Friday, November 24, 2006

...Whats in a Title?

It’s that time of the year again and I can hear funny sounds.

It’s been really a roller coaster this term. Still can’t believe I am about to be churned out of this place dressed in a robe with a diploma in my hand in about 3 months time.

Had two back to back presentations early in the morning. The first one, right at 7:30 am was already underway as I entered the class (perfect start of a fantastic day! ??) I walked in, kept my lappy and walked right across the class to take my place among my team members, team members with very expressive eyes and early morning dispositions.

Who the hell said that only Julia Roberts can do it? They all did it to me ….they said it all….When they actually said nothing at all!!

A couple of hours later, it was my turn to take on the centre stage and give some global gyaan. A history of sorts was made with the most inscrutably, outrageously absurd gyaan being delivered ever…. when I linked the fall of the Soviet Union with the e-business strategy of an Indian auto company! Yes you read it right…and this statement was made in a presentation with strict time limits.

Too much of e-business strategies for corporates, now its time to fine tune my own e strategies,…yes that’s something which has been lurking around in my ‘must do’ list for sometime. Wanted to change my orkut profile a bit, give it a new look and attract some damsels.

But what the heck ?? Couldn’t find a single good looking girl with an original profile. What the hell has happened to this world? Why is everyone committing? And even worse- getting married. What the hell happened to the great old Bengali promise of not marrying until you turn bald? I suddenly feel old, watching my old school mates marrying and committing, the time is not far away when I will be called ‘uncle’ ……Lord Have Mercy!!

And before I wind up and head for the night canteen let me be very clear on ‘my hearing funny sounds’ part. It’s been going on for hours now. Sounds of people singing, chanting, praying, reciting, mostly with stolen filmy tunes, bursting in accolades, fighting, debating and running chaos. I can hear it as I type this. It kind of runs down my spine as I try to decipher what it means? And wonder why? And no I am not hallucinating yet! It’s the God damn local mallus ……making me go mad!!!

And if you are still wondering why I wrote such a crappy post….Well, you know who is to be blamed?