If I finish this post in one go, I’ll treat myself an ice cream.
Hmmmm..ummmmm..Okay dismiss that.
Take two -
‘If I finish this post, I’ll treat myself an ice cream!’
Now that’s neither an exaggeration, nor an easily achievable task by two counts.
First, you should have a look at the number of half finished posts in this little word doc which I so religiously save on my comp, to have a passing idea of the number of imaginary topics I have conceived, started writing but somehow lost steam, since the last couple of months.
Second, the temptation of having an ice cream is really big for me right now. With an acute cough, blocked nose and body temperature which shadows the NSE index it’s a big deal for me to somehow sneak in a cig, leave aside the prospect of going out and treating myself an ice cream in this condition.
So..coming back to the nerds and their revenge!
Question number one: What was I doing for the last couple of months?
Well…I discovered the gory truth about someone, took some days to digest that, lost all interest in writing, finished my first project, partied around my last week in bangalore, came back to cal, saw durga puja after three years, met some old pals and foes, kept running around the city meeting fat, bald marwaris, bidi smoking bongs, story telling uncles…..befriended a lot of fat women and finally caught a bad cold.
Question number two: How have I been doing?
Answer: Well I have been doing great. I have successfully guarded my frustration and dangerous intentions quite well in the past few weeks. Guess I am riding up the learning curve on that.
And I have kept my calm, kept my calm against the dance of the mediocre all around me.
I have kept my calm at the sight of ring/pin studded, long haired, doped teenagers around me in pubs and discs. I have kept my calm at the sound of aunties bitching when I was neck deep in work.
I have kept my calm at the sight of gorgeous young women flirting around with firangs.
I have kept my calm at the realization that the same old buggers, who used to get on to my nerves back in college, still have their old abilities.
And finally I have kept myself from hitting a doc who showed me the doomsday scenario that I’ll be an asthmatic patient when I reach 50..if I don’t quit smoking.
Well that’s it for now. See you next time.
Over and Out!
[And before you really start to believe that I am a nerd, lemme tell you, the idea of this post name is not mine, its my bro avinav’s, a self proclaimed nerd of not much repute]
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