Wednesday, August 05, 2009

What an Idea Sir jee

I guess by now you must have heard about ‘walk when you talk’ But I bet no one has heard about -walk when you eat!

Yeah I know you haven’t, coz its my invention and no one gets to hear about them, just coz I don’t endorse a telecom brand. Heck I hate these telecom guys I tell you- those buggers have booked every square inch of space available for outdoor advertisments, even in this town and I had to spend 3 hrs on a broken bike to find out ‘affordable’ hoardings for our activation!

Anyways, I was talking about, my little invention….hmmmm

So as it happened, when I realized that one of the really sad things about living alone is that you cannot even order food from a good restaurant- everything comes in a size which is good enough for two people, there’s nothing small enough for one single person to eat. So you spend a bomb ordering Chinese food and have to throw away half of it.

Or do as I did today- walk when you eat sirjee!

So that you can keep digesting and can eat more!

I so wish I had a dog, even if I don’t get a live-in girlfriend

So, as I was walking while I was eating and watching a movie about losers, a couple of very pressing questions banged on me

First- Can two ugly people fall in real love with each other?

Second- Can you really be ‘friends’ with the person you are in love/or were in love with?

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