The entire BHostel Gang together after the last Hostel Party
The story of life has always been a collection of the stories of the people whom we meet and all the moments we share and all the things which we did or even more about all the things which we could have done, but never did.
Today as my seniors are leaving I can’t help myself but regret the fact that I was a failure in not knowing all of them more closely.
Perhaps we could have got more time to know these people who were right next to us, rather than knowing about authors with unpronounceable names who wrote shitty books.
But still whatever time and moments I got are all part of one sweet little memory file for me. Snapshots of times which froze in my memory to be cherished forever and perhaps to tell you guys someday through places like these.
Spam wars on IP, Pranay’s creative genius, JC’s smart one liners, Ravi & Abhilash’s size, Nilanjanda’s knowing smile and red eyes. Shounakda’s lambi gyaans, Sumcha’s random walk through the corridor with the earphone on, talking to his girlfriend, God so many times I thought he was talking to me while I walked past him, Mustu’s cool & sweet attitude, Sandy’s historical blunder. My own blunder at the first party at K with the Ms. Seniors :) All the girls who used to frequent my hostel and how I did a klpd once by greeting one of them? (will tell you guys in detail later). There are so many such moments which I will never forget. But there’s one guy whom I will miss the most and he is Meren. Somewhere down within I feel he is a lot like me. Carefree, bindaas, never cares about his grades or attendance, big time smoker, and to top it all he listens music in full volume. I will miss him when the next time I am out of cigarettes or when the next time I need to piss Firdaus off by playing music at full volume. But I will miss him the most when after getting up late I wont find anyone on my floor and have that feeling that I am the only one bunking classes.
Well not too far away in the future a day will come when I will also complete my 6 terms here and get a diploma and a farewell party and also a convocation ceremony and I don’t know how my emotions will run then? But today when I look at my seniors I just want to tell them that they were one hell ova batch of achievers, not because they got into an IIM and left with the best ever placements, but because of the persons they are, the kind of legacy they are leaving, the culture they built, the parties which they gave us, and most of all............
I just hope that someday, somewhere around this big bad corporate world we will meet up again face to face and that Day ....................…..Mil Baithenge 3 yaar.….Hum, Tum aur Bagpiper…:D
Pranay’s creative genius
Thank you (with a tear rollin dn one cheek). Some1 who understands that spam is an artform :)
nice blog mate....!!
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